SGK Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS

  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 1
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 2
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 3
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 4
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 5
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 6
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 7
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 8
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 9
  • Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS trang 10
Before you read
When you meet your friends, which of the following topics do you
often talk about?
sports and games
health problems
work and study
While you read
Read the following small talks and then do the tasks that follow.
© Hello. My named- Nguyen Lan phuemg/. I teaẽh/ĩngllth/ at Chu/VanAn/Hógh/ School/. It iy one/ of the/ biggeyt fohooly in Hanot. Teaehlng/ iy hard/work/, but I enjoy tt became/ I love/ working/ with/ children.
o Hello. My name/’yl\]guyen/Hong/phong/. I'm/ MzxXeew yeary old/. I'm/ co ỉtudent at chu/ Van/An/ High/ School/. I com/ ú-v clctẪV 10A with/ forty-five/ other students I study many fobjeetysnch/O^Matfo/, phyhcy chemistry, Biology, Literature/, History, Geography, and/ so on/. I Idee/ to- learn/ Ingllth/ best became ít iy an international/ langrưage. I don/t really like/ getting/ up early, butlhave/tobecanse/I oftemhave/a/lebson/at 7:15.
© I'm/Nguyen/HoncpHa/. 1'rnPhoncỳ S'father. W)e/ ỈÁÁ/e/ ứv O/ yra^tiỉ/ fact above/ cv corner Ắ-hớp ín/Tay Son/street. The/factifr-farfrom/phoftfaS' schơob so Ke- UẶUoỉỊy ^oey to- school/ by bike/. 1 worry about thCỊ/. H e- ha# to rứie- Kứr bíke/ ứv narrow and/ crowded/ streets to get to school/. Iherefa so much/ trafao: so many cars-, motorbikes and/ bicycles
Idr Task 1. Fill each blank with one of the words in the box below. There are more words than needed.
Young children	helping with household tasks.
We were stuck in heavy	for more than an hour.
I think you don't have to	about your weight.
It was two weeks before Christmas and the mall was	
with shoppers.
If two people speak the same	, they usually have similar
attitudes and opinions.
KẫT Task 2. Work in pairs. Read the small talks again and find out who ... .
enjoys teaching.	Miss Phuong	
has to get up early.	
lives far from school.	,	
loves working with children.	
loves learning English.	
rides a bike to school every day.	■	
studies at a high school.	
teaches English at a high school.
worries about someone else's safety.	
Kir Task 3. Answer the following questions.
Where does Phong study?
What subjects does he study?
Why does he want to learn English?
What does Miss Phuong say about her teaching profession?
Why does Mr. Ha worry about his son's safety?
After you read
Work in groups. Talk about:
what subject(s) you like best and why.
what you like or dislike doing at school.
what you worry about at school.
Kir Task 1. These expressions are commonly used when people are chatting. Place them under the appropriate heading. Then practise with a partner. Good morning. / Hi.	Great. I'll see you tomorrow.
Sony, I've got to go. Talk to you later. Hello. How are you?
Well, it's been nice meeting you.	Hello. What are you doing?
How's everything at school?	Catch you later.
Goodbye. See you. later.	Hi. How is school?
Starting a conversation
Closing a conversation
Kễ2’ Task 2. Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation and then practise it with a partner.
Bye. See you later.
What did you do?
c. Where are you going now?
Hi, Minh. Did you have a nice weekend?
Oh, I stayed at home and did my homework. Nothing special.
Hello, Quan. Yes, I did. It's great.
I'm going to the library to boiTow some books. Sorry, I've got to go. Talk to you later.
I went to Lan’s birthday party. The food was good and the people were interesting. What did you do, Quan?
Task 3. Complete the following conversation with suitable words, phrases or sentences in the box and then practise it with a partner.
What's the matter with you
awful I tired / sick I cold
a headache I a cold / backache I toothache
You should 7 You'd better go home and have a rest
B: Yes. That's a great idea. Goodbye, Nam.
A: See you later.
CST Task 4. Work in pairs. Make small talks on the following topics, using the starting and ending of a conversation.
the weather
last night's TV programmes
plans for next weekend
Before you listen
Read and match a question in A with a response in B.
What subjects are you taking this semester?
How do you like the class?
Are you enjoying the party?
How long are you staying?
Would you like to have a drink?
Yes, I am.
For a month.
I'm taking Maths.
I really like it.
While you listen
df Task 1. Listen to the conversations and match them with the pictures.
dr Task 2. Listen again and answer the questions.
What subject is Lan taking this semester?
Whose class is Lan in?
Where is Nam now?
How long does Son plan to stay in Nha Trang?
Does Hoa travel with her friends?
Task 3. Listen to the last conversation again and write in the missing words.
A: Hoa. How do you like (1)	?
B: It's (2)	. The hotel is (3)	and my room is (4)	.
A: Are you (5)	with your friends?
B: (6)	_. I'm travelling (7)	.
A: Would you like to go somewhere (8)	?
B: That's great.
After you listen
Work in groups. Talk about the problem(s) you have experienced at school.
Filling in a form
Kg3 Task 1. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions.
On what occasions do you have to fdl in a form?
What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fdl in a form?
Task 2. Forms do not usually ask questions, but they ask for infonnation. Match a line in A with a question in B.
First name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Present address
Marital status
What do you do?
Where are you living at the moment?
Are you married or single?
What’s your first name?
When were you born?
What’s your surname?
Where were you born?
Kễ3 Task 3. Forms ask you to do certain things. Do the following:
Write your name in block capitals.
Sign your name:	
Delete where not applicable.
I am a student / an employee / an employer.
Put a cross if you are male.
Put a tick if you are female.
IW Task 4. Fill in the following form.
——<1	Q—Q——Q	Q	—Q.—Q—Q—
First name	
Date of birth	
Address in your country	
Reason for learning English: Business/Pleasure/Exams/Others*
(If others, please specify)	
How many hours a day do you want to stay at the school?
What date do you want to start?	
* Delete where not applicable
• Pronunciation:
/A/-/a: /
• Grammar:
Wh- questions
Gerund and to + infinitive
Listen and repeat.
/ a: /
• Practise these sentences.
I love my school very much.
I think my cousin is lovely.
Last month I took Sunny out for lunch.
They are dancing under the stars.
Martha and Charles are dancing in the dark.
Let's have lunch in the garden.
Grammar and vocabulary7
Exercise 1. Make questions for the following responses.
Just a few days ago.
For a few days.
I came with a friend.
In the centre of the city.
	 •	?
Because it is interesting.
It's seven o'clock.
They have three children.
Exercise 2. Fill each blank with an -ing or to + infinitive form of the verb in brackets.
Dear Lisa,
I Have Been expecting (l)	(Hear)from you. I Hope you are ox.
I'm busy, Hut Happy.
Last night I went to a party at one of my classmates' Home. I was ready nervous, you know I usually avoid (2)_____________ (go) to
parties because I Have trouble (3)	(remember) people's
names, 'Wed, Cast night things were different. Before tile party,
I read.a boob about improving memory, I practised (4)	
(do) some of the memory exercises. They ready Helped'. /45 a
result, I stopped (5)	 (worry) about wHat peopbe thinh
about me, and I tried(6)	(pay) attention to whatpeopCe
were saying. .And guess what? I Had a good'time!
I'm even planning (7)	,_______ (go) dancing with a guy
from my class.
Why don't you consider (8)	(visit) me? I ready
miss (9)	(see) you. TCease write. I always enjoy
(10)	(Hear) from you.
'Best wishes,
Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using an -ing or to + infinitive form of the verbs in the box.
watch make call have lend wait live talk go post find
When I'm tired, I like	television. It's relaxing.
When I'm tired, I like to watch television. It's relaxing.
It was a nice day, so we decided	for a walk.
I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind	.
They were hungry, so she suggested	dinner early.
I'm still looking for a job, but I hope	something soon.
We must do something. We can't go on	like this.
Could you please stop	so much noise?
Our neighbour threatened	the police if we didn't stop
the noise.
Lan was in a difficult situation, so I agreed 	 her
some money.
Suddenly everybody stopped	.
Don't forget	the letter I gave you.