SGK Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY

  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 1
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 2
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 3
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 4
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 5
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 6
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 7
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 8
  • Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY trang 9
Work with a partner. Answer the following questions.
What source of energy does each picture above refer to?
What do you need energy for?
Before you read
While you read
Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow.
At present, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas). However, such reserves are limited. Because power demand is increasing very rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time. Therefore, people must develop and use alternative sources of energy.
One alternative source is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs for hundreds of years, but it can be very dangerous. Another alternative source of energy is geothermal heat, which comes from deep inside the earth. Scientists use this heat to make energy. However, this energy is available only in a few places in the world.
The sun, water, and the wind are other alternative sources of energy. The wind turns windmills and moves sailboats. It is a clean source of energy, and there is lots of it. Unfortunately, if the wind does not blow, there is no wind energy. When water moves from a high place to a lower place, it makes energy. This energy is used to create electricity. Water power gives energy without pollution. However, people have to build dams to use this energy. And as dams cost a lot of money, water energy is expensive.
The sun releases large amounts of energy every day. This energy can be changed into electricity. Many countries use solar energy for their daily life. Solar panels on the roofs of houses can create enough energy to heat or cool an entire house. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe.
Although there are some disadvantages, the potential of alternative sources of energy is great. However, how to make full use of these sources of energy is a question for researchers all over the world.
miT Task 1. The words in the box all appear in the passage. Fill each blank with a suitable word. (Use a dictionary when necessary.)
alternative limited energy released exhausted
Six hundred balloons were	at the ceremony.
They are looking for	methods of making it.
People use	to run machines, heat and cool their homes.
The food in the restaurant is cheap, but the choice is rather	.
Fuel supplies are nearly	.
inr Task 2. Scan the passage and write down the advantage(s) and disadvantage(s) of each alternative source of energy.
Sources of energy
Nuclear power
Solar energy
Water power
Wind power
Geothermal heat
Kẫ3 Task 3. Answer the questions.
What is our major source of energy?
How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text, and which one do you think has the most potential?
After you read
Complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box.
one	environment	alternative	limited
unlimited	sources	energy	fuels
We need energy to live and work. Our major source of (1)	
is oil. Oil is (2)	kind of fossil fuel. The amount of fossil
(3)	in the world is (4)	. Therefore, we must save it,
and at the same time, we must find new sources of energy. Geothermal
heat and nuclear power are (5)_	sources of energy. They can
give us electricity. Other alternative (6)	are the sun, waves
and water. These sources are not only (7)	and available but
also clean and safe for the (8)	. People should develop and
use them more and more in the future.
KễT Task 1. The following statements list some advantages and disadvantages of various sources of energy. Read and tick (/) the appropriate box A (for the advantages) or D (for the disadvantages), then compare the results with a partner’s.
Fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time.
Geothermal heat is available only in a few places in the world.
If the wind does not blow, there is no wind energy.
Water power provides energy without pollution.
A nuclear reactor releases radiation which is dangerous to the environment.
Solar energy is not only plentiful and unlimited but also clean and safe.
It is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity.
Task 2. Work in pairs. Talk with your friend about the advantages and disadvantages of using each alternative source of energy, using the suggestions from Task 1.
A: I think/believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy.
B: Why do you think/believe so?
A: Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited.
B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment. However, it is not available when there is no wind.
limited, non-renewable
Useful language:
enormous, plentiful, available clean and safe unlimited, renewable convenient
cheap, simple devices/ technology
IW Task 3. Work in groups. Express your belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas from Task 2.
Before you listen
Work in pairs. List some of the things you use energy for in your house.
Listen and repeat.
ecologist	resources	renewable
fossil fuels	unlimited	fertilized
While you listen
K3T Task 1 Listen and complete the sentences by circling the letter A, B, c or D.
Ecology is the study of	.
human beings and animals
the environment and solar energy c. natural and alternative resources
D. human beings and their environment
The natural environment consists of	.
A. the oceans and the land	B. the sun and the air
c. all natural resources	D. the air and the oceans
If the resource can be	, it is called renewable.
A. burnt quickly	B. used easily
c. divided properly	D. replaced quickly
Grass for animals is a	resource.
A. renewable	B. nonrenewable
c. limited	D. clean
According to the passage, coal is nonrenewable because it takes 	to make it.
A. billions of years	B. millions of years
c. three million years	D. three billion years
[LÍT Task 2. Listen again to the last part of the talk and write in the missing words.
Solar energy, air, and water are renewable resources because there is
an (1)	supply. However, this definition may change if
people are not careful with these resources. The amount of solar energy
that reaches the earth depends on the (2)	. If the
atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy that reaches the earth
(3)	be dangerous. If life is going to continue, the air
must contain the correct amount of nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), carbon
dioxide (CO9), and other (4)	. .If humans continue to
pollute the air, it will not contain the correct (5)	of
these gases.
After you listen
Which group do these sources of energy’ belong to? Put a tick (S) in the right column.
Sources of energy	Nonrenewable
—-"—■— 	'■	- 
Geothermal heat
Solar energy
Wind energy
IW Task 1. Study the chart about energy consumption in Highland in
2000 and fill in the gaps with the information from the chart.
The chart shows the energy consumption in Highland in 2000. As can be seen, the total energy consumption was (1)	million tons.
Million tons ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HIGHLAND Petroleum made up the largest amount of this figure (57 million tons). This was followed by the consumption
of (2) 	 (40
million tons). Nuclear & Hydroelectricity made up the
(3) 	 amount of
energy consumption (20 million tons).
dr Task 2. Continue your description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland.
dr Task 3. Describe the chart, using the information from Tasks 1 and 2.
Pronunciation: /Sr/ - /spl / - / spr /
Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives (revision)
• Listen and repeat.
• Practise reading aloud these sentences.
They were all shrieking with laughter.
He shrugged (his shoulders), saying he didn’t know and didn’t care. ■
My dad hates shrimp paste.
What a splendid spring day!
The stream splits into three smaller streams at this point.
The house has a narrow front, but it splays out at the back.
Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences, using a present participial phrase.
The man who spoke to John is my brother.
The man speaking to John is my brother.
The boy who is playing the piano is Ben.
Do you know the woman who is coming toward US?
The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress.
The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.
We have an apartment which overlooks the park.
Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using a past participial phrase. Example:
The Sport Games which were held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games. The Sport Games held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games.
The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.
They live in a house that was built in 1890.
The photographs which were published in the newspaper were extraordinary.
The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.
They work in a hospital which was sponsored by the government.
Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences, using an infinitive phrase. Example:
Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space.
Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space.
John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain.
The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light.
The first person that we must see is Mr. Smith.
This is the second person who was killed in that way.
The first person who catches the ball will be the winner.